March 20, 2009

What Was That?

My three year old has made me laugh lately.

A few weeks ago he heard the song below "Gives You Hell," by American-Rejects and was singing along saying "Makes You Well."

Yesterday I was trying to get him to pick out a Disney movie and I suggested Lady and the Tramp. He said to me, " Let me see Lady and the Jump."

Today we were listening to the radio and we heard the song "Mad," by Ne-Yo, you will have to listen to it below. It is actually a really good song. Anyway after listening to it for a minute he said to me, "That is me." What I asked? "I don't want to go to bed." Isn't that the truth. We hear that every single day no fail.

So it got me thinking. When I was a kid the song Unbelievable, by EMF was popular and my cousin thought that every time they said, "Your Unbelievable" they actually said "Your Arms and Legs Are Cool." I will never forget that! I think of it every time I hear the song.

When Mark was a kid every time he heard the song Dirty Deeds, by AC/DC he thought the lyric "they're done dirt cheap" was actually "The Thunder Chief."

Listen to the songs below and see what you think........

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Have you ever been confused about the lyrics? Sometimes it makes for a pretty good laugh!


K. Lou said...

That is funny! One of my kids did that with "Book of Mormon Stories" on the line that says: given this land, if they live righteously. They sang: "given this land if they fall right to sleep." It was further reinforced by the hand actions: crossing the arms and bowing the head--all the way into the arms like they were falling asleep.

It took me several years as a kid before I understood the correct words to "Love one Another" I always wondered what a "shallmenno" was. I realized the song was saying "Shall men know". Guess I wasn't paying much attention in Primary when the song was being taught.