November 5, 2008

Yes on Prop 8

California voted on Propisistion 8 yesterday to place in the CA constiution these words, "Marriage is only between a Man and a Woman." It passed! Gay and Lesbian couples will still have all of the rights of a married couple under the domestic partnership laws, but when it comes to leagalites concerning the word marriage it will remain between a man and a woman. This will protect churches, schools, photographers doctor and numurous other organizations from being prosescuted for not supporting the union of a gay couple. I am so proud of the many Californian's who still believe in the sanctity of marriage and have worked so hard to keep it that way.


Julie Carroll said...

Praise God!!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! 52 to 48, it was close but we'll take it! I'm so grateful that the majority were in favor. I can't believe the world we live in now. I have to admit I was very upset about the presidential nominee, I just pray that he'll do a good job for our country.
Ps- Monica, yes I did put you as an author because I've locked my blog so only those I invite can view it; we watched the news a few nights ago about the dangers of having an open blog and it was disturbing, so to be caucious I locked it again.