December 29, 2008

Our Noble Lad

We went to grandma and grandpa Knight's for Christmas. While we were there the Oot got to play with his cousins. One afternoon grandpa was teasing Oot and his cousin telling them that he was the ear pig and he was going to eat their ears. They squeeled and tried to get away. Grandpa grabbed little MaKenna and Oot said, No, don't bite her, you can have my ear. This one here.
He is such a sweet boy and he teaches me lessons every day.


Mikelle said...

SWEET! Party starts at 8:30 you dont have to bring anything. If you need directions email me

Anonymous said...

So cute! What a sweet little guy, he must get that from you Monica...maybe a little from Mark.
Hope you guys have a Happy New Year, we are so sad we can't make it up there for New Year's.
We'll get up there soon though.

Kiery said...

WOW he looks soo much like Tanner when he was little in this picture! I had to check to see who it really was.
I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas! Love you!