February 16, 2009


"This is why you do not buy nice furniture when you have kids." Mark

I guess my 3 yr old wants to see how patient I can be or maybe how creatiVe I can be with punishment.

While eating lunch he took the back end of his spoon and carved this master piece into my dinning room table. Oh right before this incident he switched me bowls, (mine being the mama bear size and his the baby bear size) and started eating my lunch. I want a whole bunch he said. He did not eat it all BTW.

So for the next week he will be eating all meals in the kitchen by himself.


Jessica said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry about that. Maybe you can find some kind of stain to make it less noticeable?

Amber said...

I'm not sure if you have noticed our dining room table, but Claire took a fork to it. Sadly, she was so young when she did it that she had no idea what she was doing (she said she was "drawin pincture."), so it was hard to discipline. I think ours either faded over time or I just got so used to it. But when it happened, it made me want to scream. I'm so sorry!